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Monday, August 29, 2011

Watching C-Span ... talking about Medicare...

Watching C-Span ... talking about Medicare... this stuff is SUCH an issue for millions of people! i dont understand how so many on welfare get FREE healthcare across the board yet seniors pay out tha ass for so much! the co-pays, medications, the very fact that they dont pay for dental and eyes either is a travesty! .... it just seems strange to me they dont have this already resolved .... Congress needs to go back into the lab on the negotiations on some of these issues... smh ~~ JB
 ·  · August 24 at 7:37pm

i had to shut some of yall down

SORRY i had to shut some of yall down... i'm not into having your negativity in my personal space it feels like its so thick that i cant friggin breathe like its second hand smoke! ~~ Jamie Bond
 ·  · August 24 at 9:33pm